
Our Church

As a Church School we are delighted to work closely with St Martin’s.  The clergy, who are involved in our worship and governance, are also a wonderful resource for religious education, spirituality and pastoral care.

The Revd Chris Carnaby-Denyer is the priest in charge at St Martin's church and is supported by a Reader, Deborah, both of whom are familiar faces to our school every Tuesday morning at 9 a.m.


Revd Chris is one of our school governors but also serves along with Foundation governors, Andrew and Priscilla, on our SIAMS sub committee, which meets termly.


Classes and year groups at Herne Juniors visit St Martin’s church regularly throughout the year. The church, for example, hosts and helps Year 6 lead a service of remembrance, Y4 lead Harvest, Y5 lead a Pentecost service along with other Christmas and/or Easter joint celebrations with our nearby infant school. A joint ‘Songs of Praise’ rounds off the academic year in the summer.


Special reflection/Spirituality days, RE teaching about Christianity or even using the church and graveyard as a stimulus for other curriculum areas, may occur.  Clergy are sometimes invited in to classes to answer the children's 'Big Questions' or simply share a Christian view of a particular RE topic. We value our partnership.

We are one family

Join us as we celebrate our Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage, Our Thy Kingdom Come Beacon event, re-imagined for lockdown. Many thanks to everyone for taking part,...






Welcome to Herne C.E. (Aided) Junior School - Our vision is: a thriving, aspirational community rooted in God's love.
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