

The Widow’s Offering


Mark 12:41-44


41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few pence.


43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.’


It is good to be generous with our money, our time, with kind words or to share our belongings because we have a kind, generous, loving God. Sometimes this giving can be sacrificial. Usually it expects nothing in return as it flows on from a compassionate heart.

Quotes from our children and staff about the value of GENEROSITY

To me, generosity means giving without expecting anything back in return. I think being generous can change a life especially as it gives them hope for the future. 


Some of my friends have been generous to me when I have been a bit lonely-they have spent time with me and shown kindness. Once, someone gave me money for the cake sale because I had forgotten my own. That was true generosity because she never wanted the money back. 


I think I am generous sometimes because I let my younger brother share my computer games at home. We don’t always get on but it’s a good feeling when we share and play together. 


Generosity is a good value in our school because anyone can do it. You could: share your equipment, spend time with someone you don’t normally hang out with, talk to someone on the friendship bench, help tidy up and organise a charity event like we did for Macmillan Cancer research. 


There’s lots of stories in the Bible that teach us about generosity. My favourite is the Good Samaritan because you don’t have to be friends to show generosity. It was actually a stranger that helped out not the person you would expect. That stranger even paid for the injured man to be looked after…cool! 


Children's prayers on the value of GENEROSITY


Dear God,

Help us to be generous and not expect anything back in return. Help us to spread generosity through our school, family and friends no matter if it feels a bit hard to do so. Help us to show generosity through actions, thoughts, words and in our prayers so that we can make our world a happier place. Thank you for being a generous God. AMEN.



Father God,

Fill us with generosity so that it flows through our heart and spreads throughout our community. Thank you, Father God, for our values which we try and use each day. Strengthen us with your Holy Spirit so that we can fill this place with love, care and generosity.

Father God, we love you.  AMEN.






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