
Collective Worship Plans

Our Collective Worship follows plans produced by Canterbury and Rochester Diocese. We adapt them to make them suitable for our school context but we are also flexible enough to be responsive to daily events or children's interests.  


During Terms 1 and 2 of 2020, we took the decision for worship to be mainly SLT and clergy led in order to release teachers from having to prepare or lead worships with children. As a result, worships have been 'virtual' with leaders pre-recording for each classroom bubble or going live on Zoom or Teams.

We are especially grateful to those adults who have contributed on a regular basis. Due to virtual worships, we have been pleased to connect with more Governors and parents/carers than usual who have also been sent weekly links.


A separate document with all recordings and links is available from the Collective Worship coordinator.    

Welcome to Herne C.E. (Aided) Junior School - Our vision is: a thriving, aspirational community rooted in God's love.
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