


Computing at Herne Junior School intends to develop ‘thinkers of the future’ through a modern, ambitious and relevant education in Computing. Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in students' lives; therefore, the vision for computing is for all children to leave our school educated and prepared to lead a life in an ever-changing digital world. We aim to achieve this by equipping them with computational thinking skills and developing their digital creativity. It is important to us that the children understand how to use this technology in a positive, responsible and safe way as well as a tool for learning and as a means to express themselves. Our aim is to provide a Computing curriculum that is broad and balanced encompassing computer science, information technology and digital literacy, which allow children the opportunities to further develop their presentation skills in a range of software. Computing is incorporated across the whole curriculum to make learning creative and accessible.


In addition, our Online Safety units provide each year group with a bespoke curriculum to suit their individual needs (based upon the apps and games they are exposed to). We also aim to ensure that children feel confident and safe when using computers and the Internet; we educate them to know what to do if they come across something inappropriate that may make them feel uncomfortable.



In order to achieve the outlined intentions, our Computing curriculum is bespoke to our school. It has been designed using the Teach Computing framework, alongside the NCCE (National Centre for Computing Education – funded by the DfE) framework and the National Curriculum for KS2. Our curriculum has been written so that the three main strands of Computing (Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy) are covered at the same point in each year, allowing opportunities to revisit and build upon previous learning. Alongside this, vocabulary lists for each year group and strand have been provided. In addition to this, children undertake a typing speed and accuracy assessment each year with targeted interventions provided for those in need.


Discrete Computing lessons are taught weekly across all year groups in our Computing Suite. Teachers demonstrate a high level of enthusiasm for the subject content and their expectations of the pupils are driven by the subject progression maps. During lessons, pupils are provided opportunities to present their work in a variety of formats suitable to the task they are completing. Learning is presented in the form of class big books, where children can share their learning and easily access prior knowledge. In addition to this, technology is regularly accessed across the wider curriculum to enable pupils the opportunities to develop and secure their disciplinary knowledge. Assessment of Computing is carried out 3 times throughout the year.


All children have their own Google account, which provides access to the platform for use in school and at home. Homework is set digitally on this platform using programs such as Google Forms for Reading Comprehension. This provides a link between home and school. Other platforms that are used consistently across the school are MyMaths and TTRockstars.


Online Safety lessons are taught separately from the main Computing curriculum at the start of each term. These lessons are revised weekly during Computing lessons. Learning is recorded in the children’s PSHE books providing a link between PSHE, RSE and Online Safety. Our school has Year 5 and 6 Digital Leaders whose main focus is promoting safer internet use both within school and at home. These children help to run lessons and assemblies as part of Safer Internet Day and regularly communicate with parents via the school newsletter.



The implementation of this curriculum ensures that when children leave our school, they are competent and safe users of technology with an understanding of how it works. They will have developed skills to express themselves and be creative in using digital media and be equipped to apply their skills in Computing to different challenges going forward.


  • The teaching of Computing is consistent and of a high quality across the school
  • All children have access to a high-quality Computing curriculum, regardless of their starting point in other subjects
  • Children across the school are enthusiastic about their Computing learning
  • Children have a secure and robust knowledge of Online Safety and how to keep themselves safe online.
  • Children will have a secure and comprehensive knowledge of the implications of technology and digital systems. This is important in a society where technologies and trends are rapidly evolving.
  • Children will be able to apply the British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems.

Click on the iPad to see a list of the apps children have access to in class


Some Useful Links and Games





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