
British Values

We know about our British Values


As a school, we are very proud of our school values but we have also been educating the children about our country’s values as well. They are:



Rule of Law

Individual Liberty

Mutual respect

Tolerance of those from different faiths and religions



During our worship time, the children learnt about the meaning of each of these values:

All staff and governors have completed safeguarding and e-learning training developed by the National Counter Terrorism Policing Headquarters (NCTPHQ), in conjunction with the College of Policing which includes guidance on how to identify people who may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism, and how to refer them into the Channel process. For more information, see our Safeguarding Policy.
Welcome to Herne C.E. (Aided) Junior School - Our vision is: a thriving, aspirational community rooted in God's love.
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