
Headteacher's Welcome

I am very pleased to welcome you to our website; I hope it provides a sense of the school’s ethos and useful information about our thriving and aspirational learning community.


Herne CE (Aided) Junior School aims to foster a caring, encouraging environment, enabling all members of the school community to grow in self-esteem, individuality and independence, learning and working within a happy, secure environment founded on our Christian values. The school has been recognised as ‘…an outstanding Church school’ (SIAMS Report, May 2017)


Our most recent Ofsted inspection graded our school as outstanding in every area. Ofsted stated that my staff ' tirelessly to ensure that all pupils achieve to their highest ability.' (Ofsted Report, 2023) It gives me huge pride to be the headteacher of a school that sits comfortably in the top 10% of schools nationally. However, to be truly successful, a school should also focus on the quality of its relationships – our children are valued and nurtured as individuals and we strive to build relationships within the school that are conducted in the light of the Gospel values of care and concern for one another.


To achieve these aims we provide lively, enjoyable, inspirational learning experiences through a themed, knowledge & skills-based curriculum, enhanced by a wide range of extra-curricular activities and underpinned by a commitment to pupil well-being.  We maintain high expectations of everyone and share a commitment to helping every child succeed whether academically, socially, creatively or in sport.


Mal Saunders


Welcome to Herne C.E. (Aided) Junior School - Our vision is: a thriving, aspirational community rooted in God's love.
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