

RE Assessment At Herne Church of England Junior School


The RE curriculum at Herne Juniors follows the scheme – Understanding Christianity (UC) and RE today units and is taught weekly. UC is a spiral curriculum throughout the Key stage, where units of work are revisited in subsequent years.

Assessment of pupil performance is captured Bi-termly, in line with the school’s policy.   Teachers assess whether their pupils are working at the expected level (EXS) for a particular unit of study, working towards the expected level (WTS) or working at Greater Depth (GDS).

The pupils are assessed against the knowledge and understanding required for the core curriculum content of that unit as outlined in RE Today and Understanding Christianity.

At the end of the year, the teacher will review the performance of each individual pupil and create a secure fit judgement, which will be recorded using the Herne Steps and reported to parents.

Bi-termly the RE Leader will collect the data and analyse pupil performance – reporting percentages who have attained at the expected level or higher and those attaining greater depth.






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