
Cathedral Schools Day

Each November, we attend the Y6 School’s Day at Canterbury Cathedral where our children take part in various hands-on activities, but we are pleased that our children have also helped lead parts of the worship over the years.

With a ‘virtual schools’ day’ in 2020, a small group of Herne children sang the song, ‘Give us hope, Lord, for each day’ for the final act of worship which was viewed by all the participating schools.

Virtual Cathedral Schools Day 2020 - Act of Worship

Do have a listen starting at 0.56sec.

Other activities included:

Our Year 6 children really enjoyed this opportunity.  Here is what they had to say about it:

“I enjoyed making stained glass windows because we got to draw symbols representing Christian values.”

“I liked it when we reflected our Christian values onto a stained glass window.  It helps me to remember my school values.”

“I really like it when we learnt about the tower and how love, hope and compassion has been put into it through the years.”

“I loved the creativity because it made me feel positive; I learnt that there is a trap door in Canterbury Cathedral.”





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