
Vicar's Message

Message from the School’s own Church: St Martin’s in Herne

 Our Herne Junior CE School is very much part of the Herne Church Family as together we seek to live out what we tell others we are about!  That is, “To love your neighbour as you love yourself” (Matthew 22.39) and as we – members of Herne clergy and all our church members who serve as School Governors – do our bit to help Herne Juniors’ become “A thriving, aspirational community rooted in God’s love”. 


For example, so often when I join the children and staff for a school worship – whether face-to-face or virtually – it is me who is blessed by everyone’s enthusiastic engagement with the content, as together we seek to deepen our learning and understanding of the Christian faith.  It is in those moments that I feel we really are ‘sharing God’s love and to growing as God’s people’, which is actually Herne Church’s own vision for our community! 

Revd Carol Smith


Vicar, St Martin-in-Herne with St Peter’s Greenhill

& Area Dean of Reculver (Canterbury)



Tel: 01227 636960


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